Handcrafted jewelry is beautiful due to its uniqueness but it is also more delicate so it needs to be handled with care. When cleaning and storing the jewelry you will need to follow certain rules to keep it from becoming damaged due to exposure to chemicals and everyday wear. Your jewelry will stay clean and sparkling if you do your research and devote time to properly looking after each piece. These easy tips make a good guideline for caring for your handmade jewelry so it will always look as good as new.
1. Learn proper storage
You never want to leave your silver jewelry exposed to the open air so storing it on top of your dresser is not an option unless you want your jewelry to tarnish faster. A jewelry box will protect your jewelry from tarnish and age and will help prevent it from getting lost. A good idea is to separate your silver jewelry from the rest of your jewelry by keeping it in an airtight plastic bag. This will keep out moisture and keep it from getting scratched by other jewelry. Clunky jewelry should also be kept separate so it doesn’t scratch your more delicate jewelry. If you have jewelry that is made with metals that don’t tarnish it can be hung on a hook so it will not get tangled in a jewelry box.
2. Clean it properly
When you wear your jewelry on a regular basis, the oils from your skin and chemicals from items you touch during the day will rub onto your jewelry. This is why it is important to clean your jewelry regularly to keep it looking new and clean. There are different types of cleaners for different metals so always read the label on your jewelry cleaner to make sure you are using it on the right type of jewelry. Anything with beads and gems should not be fully submerged in water as the gemstones can come loose. It is better to rub the cleaner on the jewelry with a soft cloth and wipe off the cleaner with a damp cloth. Then let your jewelry air dry.
3. Treat it with care
You may choose to wear your jewelry every day which is fine, but you should remember to take your jewelry off when bathing, swimming and while doing any cleaning. Exposure to the sun, saltwater, and harsh chemicals found in cleaning products can damage your delicate handmade jewelry. For soft metals like silver you should take off your jewelry when handling heavy objects. Any jewelry that is beaded or contains gemstones should also be removed when doing this type of work so that nothing will fall or break off.
4. Show it off!
You should be proud of your handmade jewelry so take the time to show it off! Wear it whenever you can so that you remember to take better care of it and clean it routinely. When you wear it everyday you will notice little things and be more aware of maintaining it in good condition. It should last you for many years and become an essential part of your daily wardrobe.
Written by Elaine Helmig, Co-Founder of Jinja Jewelry
Elaine has traveled far from her beginnings in the aviation industry with a background in engineering. Her eye for beauty and natural symmetry led her to partner with artist Australian Joy Daniels. The two of them have joined forces to build a Jinja Team with a creative flair for beautiful fashion jewelry. The results have been truly extraordinary as the handmade jewelry has found a following with an international clientele as diverse as the jewelry itself. Jinja Jewelry is slowly becoming a fashion statement and is treasured for its simply beautiful coral and elegant silver designs.
For more information, visit www.jinjajewelry.net
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