When you have a beautiful piece of jewelry that you’re excited to wear and show off every day, you want to keep it sparkling and looking brand new. Want to know how to keep it polished at home? You can use ordinary household items and soft cloths to clean and polish your precious pieces. Here are some super easy tips for polishing your own jewelry at home.
1. Use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda.
If you have pure silver jewelry, take 1/2 cup of white vinegar and mix it with 2 tablespoons of baking soda and soak your jewelry in it for 2-3 hours. Once finished soaking rinse the jewelry under cold water and dry off with a soft cloth. Then leave it out in the open so it can finish air drying.
2. Use a bi-colored cloth.
Bi-colored silver polishing cloths are two colors because they each serve different purposes. The white side of the cloth is supposed to be used first as it is infused with non-toxic polishing agents. Next the colored cloth will be used to buff your jewelry after it has been polished.
3. Use toothpaste.
It may sound strange but using a little bit of plain toothpaste to gently scrub your jewelry with a soft toothbrush can make your jewelry sparkle. Make sure to rinse the jewelry well with clean water and let it air dry. You can do this for both silver and gold jewelry that needs a little extra polishing than what a polishing cloth can do.
4. Use a dip treatment.
For sterling silver jewelry without any stones, take your jewelry and dip it into the solution using a pair of tweezers and swirl it around. Next you will wash it off with soap and water to clean off all of the solution. Dry it with a cloth or towel and let it finish air drying completely before putting it away to make sure it will not oxidize.
5. Use dish detergent.
For jewelry with glued gemstones you want to avoid submerging it in water which can cause the stones to become loose and fall out. Instead you should mix a few drops of a mild dish detergent in warm water and dip a cloth or towel into the solution and wipe your jewelry with the cloth. Take another soft cloth and dampen it with plain water and use it to rinse the jewelry. Have your jewelry air dry while upside down so the water will drip out.
Written by Elaine Helmig, Co-Founder of Jinja Jewelry
Elaine has traveled far from her beginnings in the aviation industry with a background in engineering. Her eye for beauty and natural symmetry led her to partner with artist Australian Joy Daniels. The two of them have joined forces to build a Jinja Team with a creative flair for beautiful fashion jewelry. The results have been truly extraordinary as the handmade jewelry has found a following with an international clientele as diverse as the jewelry itself. Jinja Jewelry is slowly becoming a fashion statement and is treasured for its simply beautiful coral and elegant silver designs.
For more information, visit www.jinjajewelry.net
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