As much as I love summer, I have to admit that fall is really my favorite season. While summer definitely has its perks (warm weather, sun dresses and frozen drinks), fall has so many more! I am getting really excited that fall is just around the corner, and had to share the reasons why this season is such a great one. Here are four reasons fall is my favorite season.
1) Sweaters, boots and jewelry accessories
It’s no secret that with every season comes a whole different wardrobe to choose from. As much as I love a good summer sundress, I love sweaters, boots and fall jewelry more. They’re just so cozy! As I’ve said in previous blogs, I am a pretty low maintenance girl. A season that allows me to throw on a sweater and look cute is a season I am going to love! As far as jewelry goes, I like to layer mine, and fall is a great time to do so. There’s no outfit I like to wear more than a cozy sweater, my favorite boots and a Jinja Jewelry twist bracelet.
2) Apple picking
Another reason that fall is my favorite season is because of apple picking. Growing up my mom used to take us apple picking every year; it was a family tradition I loved! As an adult, I still like to keep that tradition alive. I also really like apples and there is nothing better than a fresh apple. Every year when the summer starts to wind down I get really excited knowing that apple picking season is just around the corner!
3) Changing leaves
Have you ever seen the trees change colors in the fall? It is literally one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. To me, the changing color of the trees looks and feels magical. Add that to apple picking, my favorite clothes and the perfect weather temperature and you get a very happy girl!
4) Pumpkin flavored everything
I know that not everyone is a fan of pumpkin flavored things, but I personally love them! It just signifies that fall is finally here. There are so many wonderful warm things about this season, I cannot help but love it! My favorite pumpkin flavored treat is a pumpkin spiced latte from Starbucks, you have to try it! Grab that, go apple picking and enjoy this fall!
Written by Elaine Helmig, Co-Founder of Jinja Jewelry
Elaine has traveled far from her beginnings in the aviation industry with a background in engineering. Her eye for beauty and natural symmetry led her to partner with artist Australian Joy Daniels. The two of them have joined forces to build a Jinja Team with a creative flair for beautiful fashion jewelry. The results have been truly extraordinary as the handmade jewelry has found a following with an international clientele as diverse as the jewelry itself. Jinja Jewelry is slowly becoming a fashion statement and is treasured for its simply beautiful coral and elegant silver designs.
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