Summer Travel Tips to Help You RelaxJetting off to start your summer vacation is an exciting time, but it can also be very stressful for some. Packing is always a chore when you’re unsure of what to bring but you want to be well prepared for your travels so that you can enjoy your trip. The more time you spend getting ready for your vacation, the more you’ll have time to relax once you’re on your way to your summer destination. I love to travel so, here are my helpful tips for your summer travels.

1. Don’t over pack

Take your time with packing luggage so you don’t leave it for the last minute and end up feeling rushed to get everything ready. You’ll just end up forgetting all of your essential items. No one wants to be carrying several luggage bags through the airport or up to a hotel room to pack lightly and only take the most important items.  If you do forget something your hotel should be able to provide you with some toiletries. When you pack light you also leave plenty of room to bring home souvenirs.

2. Pack items carefully

If you’re bringing some of your favorite items like jewelry, keep it in a separate compartment in your suitcase or its own travel case. You don’t want to bring anything delicate that could easily break during transport. Another idea is to keep different storage bags for your dirty laundry, shoes, handbags, and toiletries so everything can be kept separate.

3. Eat and drink smart

Sometimes during the commotion of travel we forget to drink enough water or eat healthy. We’re tempted by airport fast food and snacks but it’s best to pack some of your own treats like pieces of fruit and granola bars. Always keep a water bottle on hand, especially when out in the sun. Keeping hydrated can also help you to avoid jet lag and smart snacks will keep you energized.

4. Don’t forget the sunscreen

In the summer it becomes ever more important to apply sunscreen every day before heading out. A terrible sunburn on your first day of vacation is the worst way to ruin your trip. Sunburns are painful so get sunblock with a high level of SPF and reapply several times throughout the day, even if it doesn’t seem that sunny out. Make sure you don’t miss any spots while applying the lotion or you’ll end up with embarrassing tan lines.

5. Put away the smartphone

These days everyone is attached to their smartphones and constantly texting, calling, or playing with apps. A vacation is no time to be glued to your smartphone. It’ll help you to relax if you can set aside your phone while you’re out and enjoy the sights and activities. Go for a swim in the ocean, read a book poolside, or get a massage at the hotel spa to de-stress and you’ll feel more relaxed than ever.

Don and Elaine Jinja JewelryWritten by Elaine Helmig, Co-Founder of Jinja Jewelry

Elaine has traveled far from her beginnings in the aviation industry with a background in engineering.  Her eye for beauty and natural symmetry led her to partner with artist Australian Joy Daniels. The two of them have joined forces to build a Jinja Team with a creative flair for beautiful fashion jewelry. The results have been truly extraordinary as the handmade jewelry has found a following with an international clientele as diverse as the jewelry itself.  Jinja Jewelry is slowly becoming a fashion statement and is treasured for its simply beautiful coral and elegant silver designs.

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