I love to shop. However, no matter how many shopping trips I end up making, it always seems like I have nothing to wear. It’s funny, because I have heard all of my girlfriends complain about the same thing at one point or another. I can recall countless shopping adventures with my girls that end with great purchases. Yet, when I open my closet to get dressed, nothing seems appealing to me. I always end up wearing the same four tops, and two bottoms; but hey, they look the best and I am the most comfortable in them.
The other day I looked in my closet and decided enough was enough. How can a girl who loves to shop, hate everything in her closet? It just doesn’t make sense! I decided it was time to take inventory of what I had, and figure out a way to wear more of the things I owned. Here are four things to do when you hate everything in your closet:
1) Toss what you don’t love
There are a few tops in my closet that I have no idea what I was thinking when I bought them. Although I have never worn them, the thrifty girl in me just cannot throw them away. I’ll wear them at some point, right? Wrong! Those tops that are collecting dust in your closet need to go, now. Take inventory of your clothes and anything that hasn’t been worn in the past year goes in the donate pile.
2) Take inventory
I think that most woman, no matter how large their closet is, stick to wearing only a few pieces of the clothes they own. I know that I am very guilty of this. After you have tossed the pieces you don’t wear, take inventory of what is left. Make piles of the different colors of clothes that are left, and the types of tops and bottoms you have. Then, see what three colors seem to be the ones you gravitate towards the most. The next time you go shopping (and every time after that) only buy clothes in those colors. You’ll end up wearing more of your clothes this way.
3) Find out what’s flattering
How well do you know your body type? Do you know what shirts fit you the best and are the most flattering? Once you figure that out, life becomes a breeze! You should stick to buying mostly those types of clothing, because they will be the ones you grab.
4) Accessorize!
Perhaps the reason you don’t wear all of the clothing in your closet is because you feel like there’s something missing to complete the outfit. Maybe you were attracted to the shirt you saw on the mannequin at the mall because it was accessorized with jewelry, a handbag, cute shoes, etc. Well you can do the same by picking out some key accessories that will go with several of the items in your closet. Try a cuff bracelet, layered necklace, wedge shoes, and a signature favorite purse.
Written by Elaine Helmig, Co-Founder of Jinja Jewelry
Elaine has traveled far from her beginnings in the aviation industry with a background in engineering. Her eye for beauty and natural symmetry led her to partner with artist Australian Joy Daniels. The two of them have joined forces to build a Jinja Team with a creative flair for beautiful fashion jewelry. The results have been truly extraordinary as the handmade jewelry has found a following with an international clientele as diverse as the jewelry itself. Jinja Jewelry is slowly becoming a fashion statement and is treasured for its simply beautiful coral and elegant silver designs.
For more information, visit www.jinjajewelry.net
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